President’s Greeting

President of Japan NattoKinase Association

Akihiko Meguro

Japan NattoKinase Association was founded in January 2003 by the domestic and internaional manufacturers and the dealers of functional healthy food which contains natto-derived component. Natto is a traditional food in Japan. Lately Nattokinase, Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) and Bacillus subtilis natto have been attracting a lot of attention around the world. As the safety and the quality of food is stringently required in especially recent years, we work hard on our activities so that we can achieve our goals of stably supplying safe, high-quality food, raise the consumers’ awareness of health functioning of natto-derived component and enlighten the standard of the food to maintain the quality. We will continue to strive for further quality improvement with social responsibility and trust. We will also remind ourselves that these activities will eventually be beneficial for the consumers’ health and supplying secure and safe supplements. We will appreciate for your cooperation and understanding in our activities.

Greeting from Honorary Advisor

“Dr. Natto” JNKA Honorary Advisor

Takeo Koizumi

Specializes in zymurgy and zymology. Born in a sake brewing family in Fukushima pref. in 1943. Graduated from, and professor of Tokyo Agricultural University. Doctor of Agriculture.

My specialty is zymology and this is a phenomenon of microorganism producing beneficial materials from other food. Talking about natto, as an instance, Bacillus subtilis natto (natto yeast) makes soybean a totally different food with various kinds of nutrients. Bacillus subtilis natto degrades soy protein and produce amino acid and vitamins. In addition the enzyme that Bacillus subtilis natto produces is called Nattokinase and this has the function of degrading thrombus. Thus fermented food contains valuable materials produced by microorganism and those materials are beneficial to maintain our health. I would like everyone to get to know such wonderful functions of natto, not only the palatability; therefore I will support JNKA activities.